For women sick of the diets, workouts, and worst of all, “rebound weight”...

It’s Time To Look Great, Feel Fabulous, And Be At Your Best!

Finally, sustainable healthy weight change without starving, giving up every food you love, or dragging yourself to the gym every single day…

The Problem NOBODY Is Talking About When It Comes To Weight Loss… 

With all the “silver bullet” solutions available today, losing weight - sometimes a LOT of weight - is now more possible than ever. Just choose from the “smorgasbord” of options like…

👉 Diet and workout programs

👉 Supplements

👉 Injections

👉 Medications

…and results are often just around the corner.

But here’s the problem nobody mentions with these approaches: they’re almost never made to help lose weight in a sustainable way that works best for YOU.

A way that doesn’t have weight jumping back on the moment you stop or relax…

Or leave you stuck doing something that will eventually hurt your health instead of help it.

We shouldn’t have to risk sacrificing our health to get healthy!

Yet, millions of women do this because they don’t know any better.

At best, they get trapped in a never-ending cycle of doing more yet seeing smaller and smaller returns. At worst, they can end up with a sluggish metabolism, their health taking a serious hit, and the weight still stubbornly clinging on.

This has to stop.

More women now realise that 99% of what’s on offer is NOT going to give them back their body and health. So they’re searching for a better path. 

That’s what I help them find.

The Well-Balanced Way To Lose Weight…And Keep It Off!

Seeing change in your weight and figure does NOT need harmful diets or endless exercise.

I created The Well-Balanced Weight Loss Method to give women like you a proven process to transform your body and health without being stuck in the “diet loop”. Because once you actually know how to wave goodbye to the weight, it’s easy to keep it off without much effort for years to come.

What’s the secret? Ultimately it comes down to the right nutrition for your body (plus a few other things that I let you in on 😉).

As a nutritionist, the method I’ve developed is how I’ve helped get life-changing results for women. It’s a method that’s evolved over more than 10 years in the food industry seeing what the wrong food can do to our waistlines, and what’s possible with the right food.

So what does the right nutrition for your body mean?


Giving your body what it needs to lose weight and build real health

Knowing what works…and what doesn’t

Using an approach personalised for you

Building eating patterns that keep you in top shape for the rest of your life

Being able to enjoy burgers, biscuits, and a beer every now and then!


Giving up all your favourite foods

Never being able to go out with friends

Having to fast for 18 hours each day

Living off chicken and lettuce

Following gimmicky trends like keto or paleo

Most importantly, it means breaking free of the frustration we struggle with when no matter what we try, the weight never seems to come off for long.

What Happens When You Follow Healthy Weight Loss…

Find Your Healthy Weight

No more riding the “weight roller-coaster”. You can take back your figure and keep it - for good.

Make Your Skin Shine

Know what REALLY works to make your skin smoother and younger-looking? Giving your body the right nutrition - which is why so many members look amazing!

Cut Out The Cravings

Get the “late in the day” temptations for a salty or sugary treat (or three)? Now you can cut those cravings right out of your life.

Enhance Your Mood

When our body gets what it needs to fire on all cylinders, we don’t just start to look better; we FEEL better too.

Boost Your Energy

With this, you feel more energised throughout the day without needing those extra cups of coffee!

Improve Your Gut Health

Gut health is the key to better sleep, a strong immune system, and so many other benefits…and better gut health is another “bonus” when you lose weight the right way.

Find Healthy Weight Loss Without The “Rebound Risk”


Your Guide To Looking Great And Feeling Fabulous

Hey there, I’m Steph!

I’ve been helping women like you lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way for over 10 years.

Since high school I’ve been fascinated by science and food (who isn’t!) and it soon became my life. After university and post-graduate studies, I worked in the food industry and saw first-hand the effect nutrition can have on us - for better OR worse.

I love helping people use nutrition to transform their figure, energy, mood, and over-all health. To do that, I’ve perfected a 3-step process that women around Australia, New Zealand, and the world use to see lasting change.

The 3-Step Process Giving Women Results For Years To Come 

I get results for women not by following the typical, generic (and often wrong) advice floating around on the Internet, but with a process that works in with you!

Phase 1: Refresh 

This first phase is about refreshing your body on the road to your new healthy weight change. But everybody’s path is different - and some women struggle to find where to start. This is where you find what works for YOU, so you start to feel and look lighter, healthier, and more energised than you’ve been in a long while.

Phase 2: Refine 

Now that you know what works best for you to get rid of the weight, it’s time to move things up a level. This is where we refine our nutrition to keep the progress happening. This doesn’t mean giving up everything you love, but eating in a way you enjoy while still feeling lighter and more comfortable in your body.

Phase 3: Reignite 

One of the best paths for healthy weight loss is NOT with exercise, but with what we eat. In this phase, you kick your metabolism into gear. Fuelling your body to feel and look so good, your friends will want to know how you did it!


Want to see what’s possible? Gold level is about giving you the power and the knowledge to make changes that transform your life. Join and it won’t be long before you feel lighter, more energised, and love seeing the “new you”!


If you want to step things up and get extra support for healthy weight change, then Platinum is the perfect choice. You get everything in the Gold membership PLUS more 1-on-1 time with me each month. 


For women ready to go “all in” get ALL the benefits of nutrition designed for their body. Work 1-on-1 with Steph for the first 6 weeks to accelerate process.

Which Level Is Right For You?





*billed monthly

Instant Messaging with Steph

Message me your questions or issues and get tailored advice you’d pay hundreds for anywhere else. This alone makes the program a bargain for most women!

Recipe App

Get access to thousands of healthy recipes (with macros & micros) that makes weight change easier.

New Recipes Every Week

Each week, you get 10 new recipes to keep meals fresh and fun so you lose weight while loving what you eat!

Personalised Recipes

Create a profile with your dietary requirements, food dislikes, health issues, and lifestyle to find meals that work with your health instead of against it.

Personalised Meal Plans

Get meal plans that fit in with YOU to make healthy eating easy, instead of generic plans you have to fit in with.

Healthy Weight Change Online Course

Want to dive deeper into the concepts behind eating for healthy weight change? You can do that with my course for no extra cost.

Supportive Community

Join others also committed to their healthy weight change journey where you can share wins, give and get advice, and help each other through the rough patches.

Exclusive Emails

Get insights into healthy weight change each month from a source you can 100% trust.

Access to Special Offers

Get discounts with any of my other products or services to accelerate your weight loss and strengthen your health.

“Auto” Shopping Lists

Have recipes you want to try but hate the hassle of shopping for them? Choose your meals in the app and have shopping lists created for you!




*billed monthly (minimum 4 months)

Instant Messaging with Steph

Message me your questions or issues and get tailored advice you’d pay hundreds for anywhere else. This alone makes the program a bargain for most women!

Recipe App

Get access to thousands of healthy recipes (with macros & micros) that makes weight change easier.

New Recipes Every Week

Each week, you get 10 new recipes to keep meals fresh and fun so you lose weight while loving what you eat!

Personalised Recipes

Create a profile with your dietary requirements, food dislikes, health issues, and lifestyle to find meals that work with your health instead of against it.

Personalised Meal Plans

Get meal plans that fit in with YOU to make healthy eating easy, instead of generic plans you have to fit in with.

Healthy Weight Change Online Course

Want to dive deeper into the concepts behind eating for healthy weight change? You can do that with my course for no extra cost.

Supportive Community

Join others also committed to their healthy weight change journey where you can share wins, give and get advice, and help each other through the rough patches.

Exclusive Emails

Get insights into healthy weight change each month from a source you can 100% trust.

Access to Special Offers

Get discounts with any of my other products or services to accelerate your weight loss and strengthen your health.

“Auto” Shopping Lists

Have recipes you want to try but hate the hassle of shopping for them? Choose your meals in the app and have shopping lists created for you!

1-on-1 Check-ins with Steph

You get 1-on-1 time with me each month to work through any challenges you’re facing and plan your next steps so you’re always moving forward.

Option For Extra Sessions

Need even more in-depth support or have a particular problem that’s holding back your health? You can buy more 1-on-1 time with me at a special discounted rate.




*billed monthly (minimum 4 months)

Weekly Sessions With Steph

Work with me for the first 6 weeks to spark your transformation in your body, energy, mood, and everyday health!

Done-For-You Meal Plans

Follow the 100% customised meal plans I create for you every week and I can almost promise that you’ll see results!

Got A Question?

  • At first glance, this program is about one thing: healthy weight change you get to keep. But when you follow my process, weight loss isn’t the only change you see. Many women find they have more energy, improved gut health, and better mood - and their skin starts to look better too! Their mindset around food and building real health completely transforms!

  • I designed The Well-Balanced Weight Loss Method for any women committed to finding their healthy weight in a way that stops “rebound risk” and they can keep off for years. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve just decided to do this or you’ve been trying for months (or years) - this is for YOU!

  • Short answer: YES! No matter what level you join, you get access to me through instant messaging. You can ask questions, share your latest win, or seek advice about an obstacle you’re facing and get answers from a qualified nutritionist with over a decade experience, instead of relying on random info on Google or Instagram.

    Plus, you also get more depending on the level you’ve chosen. Gold members can join me on a monthly Zoom Q&A call where you not only hear my guidance for others and get support for yourself. Platinum members also get a 1-on-1 15-minute check-in with me every month and the option for extra 30-minute sessions at a discounted rate. VIP members get weekly sessions with me for the first 6 weeks to kickstart their progress and set them up for incredible results!

  • Absolutely not! Too many diets end up hurting our body instead of helping it. That’s why the Well-Balanced Weight Loss Method is not about cutting calories, giving up foods you enjoy, or fasting for 20 hours a day. I’ve designed this to give you a personalised approach to nutrition that helps lose weight and boost health. In fact, most women actually enjoy eating even MORE once they join.

  • For the Gold level, all you pay is $19 billed monthly. Platinum level members pay $69 per month, while VIP members pay $299 each month. For the Platinum and VIP levels, there is a minimum join period of 4 months.

  • Well, firstly I’m a Registered Nutritionist in New Zealand and Australia, having to my Bachelor in Human Nutrition and Science and a Postgrad Diploma in Science (Human Nutrition). More importantly, I spent 5 years at Sanitarium as a Senior Nutritionist and have consulted for many other businesses. Plus, I mentor other nutritionists and am often invited to speak at private and public events on issues around eating, weight loss and building real health.

  • Because many of the resources are downloadable, these programs are not refundable. However, I know what I offer so frickn’ good you’ll be happy!

It’s Time To Look Fabulous And Feel Great!