How to budget-proof your tasty, healthy & convenient meals.

Em's Toast

What is a food & nutrition conversation at the moment without talking about the price of food? Budget Friendly Meal Prep is what Em is all about! What should be in your trolley at the moment and what should be out.

We cover: 

  • How to create a $1.38 breakfast that ticks the boxes on taste & health

  • $70 weekly budget. Of late, what has been in the trolley & what’s out?

  • How to get your best deals at each of the supermarkets

  • Top money saving strategy when it comes to food

  • Per kilo pricing vs per item pricing of fresh fruit & veggies

One-liners you don’t want to miss:

“Biggest budget saving tip is to look at the price per 100g when you are comparing across brands” 

“Dark leafy greens, people just need to get over it and find a way to love them” 

“Most people will tell you to plan out your meals and grocery list and don’t deviate by temptation, which if you have the time to do that, it will work and will definitely keep you to budget.”

“My tip would be to have that plan but be flexible with it. If you are planning to make a certain meal/recipe, but when it comes to shopping around you notice carrots are so much cheaper now than a vegetable in your recipe, or chicken isn’t on sale this week, can I substitute it for this.” 

We hope you enjoyed this conversation - for more podcast action, follow us on Instagram @up_statuss.

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The cyclical pattern of your healthy behaviours & the challenges that come with that.


Saving on your grocery bill without compromising on nutrition.